Monday 1 September 2008

Glasvegas 'shocked' by Britain's knife culture

Glasvegas frontman James Allan has admitted feeling disillusioned over the knife criminal offence culture which is currently sweeping the UK.

The singer has admitted that every time he reads about a wounding it "strikes" him with "total shock".

He said: "I guess there's a large list of potential roots to the problem. There are emphatically frustrations in the youth which experience been in our finish for quite a spell.

"But no matter how many times you read about it, it strikes you with total shock, the lack of human beings. Or like I say in (record album track) 'Ice Cream Van' 'pure community, freedom of faith, act of citizenship'.

"You recognize, there's no-one's actually expression, 'Grow a heart, man'. How could you actually harm another person? What's happening to us man?"

The singer, whose band's forthcoming debut record album features the track 'Flowers & Football Tops', which is lyrically inspired by the slay of a 15-year-old Glaswegian who was abducted close James's home, stabbed 13 times and drenched in petrol, aforesaid knife criminal offence was coarse in his hometown.

He told The Guardian: "It's been in the news a lot in London, merely in Glasgow it's always been like that. If you uprise up in Glasgow, you've been chased with something. I've been chased with a five iron!"

Between April 2007 and March 2008 up to 7,409 knife crime attacks were reported in London alone.

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